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20231208 192617 
 ' Dog's Diner '. On a cold winter's evening, someone's best friend awaits the emergence of its owner from La Trattoria restaurant in Midleton, Co.Cork. Image taken by Martin Byrne. December 2023.
 11 Year old Aaron enjoying a day out in Fota with his new camera
 Alex Pereira visiting Turoe Pet Farm Co. Galway. 
‘Reindeer Lights’
Burano bike reflection-1204 
 A lone bicycle in the town of Burano Venice in Nov 2023.Photo by: Noel O Neill 
 Keywords: Burano, KCC, Venice, reflections
Icy but pretty- MG 2798 
 The Galtee Mountains pictured on the icy Wednesday in November, just outside Ballylanders, County Limerick. Picture: Tomás Mulcahy
Red Robin 1 
 Its time to think about feeding the birds
IMG 0414 
 A national demonstration calling for a ceasefire in Gaza which took place in Edinburgh on Saturday 2/12/2023. Image by Katie Curtin.
Robin By Janette 
 Winter Robin
By Janette Kelly
 Wexford hedgehog in December, not hibernating yet! 
Photo: Meadhbh Flynn
LornaSingleton FrozenMoments 
 Frozen Moments - admiring the beauty of a frozen puddle on the way to school, North Dublin. Picture: Lorna Singleton
IMGD 7052 
 Kingfisher fishing from the shadows on the banks of the River Dodder, Dublin. November 2023. Picture: Alan Cowzer
James Grandfield Poolbeg 
 Poolbeg Lighthouse from the air
James Grandfield Dublin docks 
 Dublin docks lit up for the Christmas season. This is a long exposure shot.
Dancing Chaffinch. 
 Dancing Chaffinch. Taken near Mullingar on November 3rd. 
By Gerry Kavanagh
 A winter scene at Ballyalla Lake outside Ennis, Co. Clare,
 07/11/2011. Picture: Sean McInerney.
 Frost covered trees and bushes in Tuamgraney, Co. Clare 07/01/2011. Picture: Sean McInerney
DSC 2533 
 ' River Rowers '. Early morning mist gives a smoky hue to river and sky as dedicated teams of rowers perfect their skills on the River Lee. Photo taken by Martin Byrne
 Kindred Spirits gleaming in the December sun, Midleton, Co.Cork. Picture: Sally O'Reilly
 Plane landing in Cork Airport
misty morn, KIllarnry n-pk (1 of 1) 
 A foggy winters morning in Killarney National Park

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