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 ‘’Nature at its best’’!
Noreen O’ Connor
Co Cork
 ‘’Nature at it's Best ’’ !
Noreen O’Connor 
 Kanturk Co .Cork
DSC 0327 
 A selection of colourful flowers. Picture: Sean McInerney.
Landscape00013 (2) 
 The Old Barytes Mines at Glencarbury, Glencar Co Sligo. Picture: Sean McInerney.
 Bug Hunting…. My nephew Bentley and our dog Finn bug hunting in our garden
Blackthorn Aimee Singleton 
 Blackthorn - a Blackthorn bush in flower, Turvey North Dublin (03/04/23).. Picture: Aimee Singleton age 11
Montbretia Road-8808 
 Kinard Dingle on a summer day with the Montbretia in full bloom.Photo by: Noel O Neill 
 Keywords: Bulls Head, Kinard, Montbretia, grassy road
Pear Blossoms 
 Pear Blossoms : A macro shot taken last week of a one of the first blossoms to spring up on my one and only fruit (pear) tree in my back garden.
Michael Deligan Busker Galway 
 Busker of Galway City
Michael Deligan Sunrise Silhouette Galway 
 Sunrise at Galway Bay
Michael Deligan Evening Claddagh3 
 Evening at Claddagh Quay
Michael Deligan Evening Claddagh2 
 Evening at Claddagh Quay
Michael Deligan Evening Claddagh1 
 Evening at Claddagh Quay
IMG 7506-01 
 Goldfinch preaching from a high 
Taken in a woods on outside Birr Co.Offaly on Wednesday evening the 29th March 
While looking at the goldfinch perched on the high branches preaching to the other birds around
barn owls twins 
 "The twins".A pair of barn Owl's taken in Kanturk Co Cork. Photo by Deirdre Casolani, Cork.

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