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**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.

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 29th May 2021....... Former Cork duel player Rena Buckley and Paidi Collins, Freemount who were married at St. Mary's church in Berrings Co. Cork get a guard of honour from Cork players, Donoughmore, Inniscarra and Freemount GAA clubs Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 29th May 2021....... Former Cork duel player Rena Buckley and Paidi Collins, Freemount who were married at St. Mary's church in Berrings Co. Cork Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 29th May 2021....... Former Cork duel player Rena Buckley and Paidi Collins, Freemount who were married at St. Mary's church in Berrings Co. Cork Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 29th May 2021....... Former Cork duel player Rena Buckley and Paidi Collins, Freemount who were married at St. Mary's church in Berrings Co. Cork get a guard of honour from Cork players, Donoughmore, Inniscarra and Freemount GAA clubs Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 29th May 2021....... Former Cork duel player Rena Buckley and Paidi Collins, Freemount who were married at St. Mary's church in Berrings Co. Cork get a guard of honour from Cork players, Donoughmore, Inniscarra and Freemount GAA clubs Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 29th May 2021....... Former Cork duel player Rena Buckley and Paidi Collins, Freemount who were married at St. Mary's church in Berrings Co. Cork get a guard of honour from Cork players, Donoughmore, Inniscarra and Freemount GAA clubs Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 29th May 2021....... Former Cork duel player Rena Buckley and Paidi Collins, Freemount who were married at St. Mary's church in Berrings Co. Cork get a guard of honour from Cork players, Donoughmore, Inniscarra and Freemount GAA clubs Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 29th May 2021....... Former Cork duel player Rena Buckley and Paidi Collins, Freemount who were married at St. Mary's church in Berrings Co. Cork get a guard of honour from Cork players, Donoughmore, Inniscarra and Freemount GAA clubs Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 29th May 2021....... Former Cork duel player Rena Buckley and Paidi Collins, Freemount who were married at St. Mary's church in Berrings Co. Cork Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 29th May 2021....... Cork camogie and football players Geraldine O'Flynn, Nolllaig Cleary, Briege Corkery and Angela Walsh at the wedding of former Cork duel player Rena Buckley and Paidi Collins, Freemount at St. Mary's church in Berrings Co. Cork Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th May 2021...... Echo features Elaine Duggan.... Elisa Gallo Rosso the artistic director Cork Puppetry Company getting ready for 'Star Me' planetary games at Gerry O'Sullivan park, Churchfield in June Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th May 2021...... Echo features Elaine Duggan.... Elisa Gallo Rosso the artistic director Cork Puppetry Company getting ready for 'Star Me' planetary games at Gerry O'Sullivan park, Churchfield in June Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th May 2021...... Echo features Elaine Duggan.... Elisa Gallo Rosso the artistic director Cork Puppetry Company getting ready for 'Star Me' planetary games at Gerry O'Sullivan park, Churchfield in June Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th May 2021...... Echo features Elaine Duggan.... Elisa Gallo Rosso the artistic director Cork Puppetry Company getting ready for 'Star Me' planetary games at Gerry O'Sullivan park, Churchfield in June Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th May 2021...... Echo features Elaine Duggan.... Tom Cambell , artist and Elisa Gallo Rosso , artistic director Cork Puppetry Company getting props ready for 'Star Me' planetary games at Gerry O'Sullivan park, Churchfield in June Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 29th May 2021...... IE features...... Stuart Bowes of The Curly Stu Pizzas making a Margherita pizza Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 29th May 2021...... IE features...... Stuart Bowes of The Curly Stu Pizzas making a Margherita pizza Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 29th May 2021...... IE features...... Stuart Bowes of The Curly Stu Pizzas making a Margherita pizza Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 29th May 2021...... IE features...... Stuart Bowes of The Curly Stu Pizzas Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 27th May 2021...... EE Sarah Horgan.. Oscar Slattery (12) with a scene from his movie 'Lighthouse Work' with his entry in the animation section at the Beara film festival Picture: Eddie O'Hare

Images 61-80 of 1,505 displayed. Show 20, 60, 1,000 or all per page.
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Current offers: Prints ordered will not have the watermark. Postage of products within Ireland is INCLUDED in the prices displayed.
Delivery will be added to orders outside the Island of Ireland.
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**All framed photos to be collected from Fuji Photo Finish, 14 Penrose Quay, Cork T23 PCX7' - we will contact you when ready.