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King Kumar 
 King Kumar, one of the Asiatic lions at Dublin Zoo. This animal is critically endangered in the wild with less than 530 remaining in the Gir Forest National Park, India. The power and beauty behind these animals is incredible, it's just a pity that the human race is responsible for their decline.
 Possing for the camara out on the gaurvoughe river in Sligo, out walking last week and spotted the swans and they were on the banks off the river and it was surprising how close you could get to them so got a near as I could and got the shot.

Seamus Boland
14 quayside north 
Co Sligo
Aged 46
IMG 7626 
 Early Morning Sunrise, River Scene with two Swans in the foreground, Saturday Jan 28th 2017, River Lee, Looking back towards Cork City.
IMG 4281 
 Sunset at St. John's Point Lighthouse in Co. Down. Two weeks ago I took a drive up to St. John's Lighthouse in Northern Ireland. I had been planning to visit here for some time and that day conditions were perfect. I arrived at sunset which didn't give me much time but i managed to get a few quick shots with my drone and then rush down to the rocks to this location before the light disappeared. Picture: Declan Keane 
 Keywords: declan keane
20170128 165104 
 Camel in the clouds in Crosshaven, Cork.
DSC 0014 
 Jack Frost's art work on my car's rear window.
 Aoife O Grady with her baby sister Sarah on her christening day.."tired from posing"
Resting feet 
 Resting Feet of Dinka women in South Sudan, Concern Nutrition Centre, Nov 2016. They are attending education awareness for caring children with proper nutritional feeding.
20170128 165104 
 Camel over Crosshaven Cork
Deer portrait 
 Deer relaxing in Phoenix Park, Dublin, on a chilly January afternoon.
2017-01-29 10-06-55 
 New neighbours. Shankill, Annaghdown. Co. Galway 
By Sandra O'Toole
20170129 203328 
 Beautiful Yellow medow, taken outside Grennan College Secondary School , Thomastown , Co.kilkenny . Picture : Emer McDermott
 A nosey dog,taken over ten years ago Bailey was a lot younger then,hes still going strong today!
IMG 3636 
 Woodland floor log with 40 on it.
IMG 20170122 162348 
 Evening sunset at Crosshaven.
20170128 131303200 iOS 
 The Round Tower, Glendalough, Co. Wicklow. Taken Saturday, January 28th 2017. Picture: Chloe Jackson
IMG 20170128 201927 646 
 Watch the sun go down on Galway Bay - Winter sunset in Salthill, Co. Galway. Picture: Aileen Russell
20140418 135701 
 My Family member getting up close and personal with a bank link machine ... reminds me of by me Sinead Bellew
20170128 142951 
 January afternoon. Sunshine over Mizen head
20160602 212223 
 Birds Eye view of wesport Quay

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