Collections > 2016 Photos > August 2016 > JCOntheBus08thAug06
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 EEjob 08/08/2016
Echo News.
Conversations On the Bus with the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pictured on the 202 to Knocknaheeny, Bridget Power, from Knocknaheeny.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 08/08/2016
Echo News.
Conversations On the Bus with the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pictured on the 202 to Knocknaheeny, Bridget Power, from Knocknaheeny.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
EEjob 08/08/2016
Echo News.
Conversations On the Bus with the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pictured on the 202 to Knocknaheeny, Bridget Power, from Knocknaheeny.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.