Collections > 2016 Photos > August 2016 > JCOntheBus08thAug05
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 EEjob 08/08/2016
Echo News.
Conversations On the Bus with the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pictured on the 202 to Knocknaheeny, Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill with Sr. Josephine, North Presentation.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 08/08/2016
Echo News.
Conversations On the Bus with the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pictured on the 202 to Knocknaheeny, Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill with Sr. Josephine, North Presentation.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
EEjob 08/08/2016
Echo News.
Conversations On the Bus with the Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill.
Pictured on the 202 to Knocknaheeny, Lord Mayor Cllr Des Cahill with Sr. Josephine, North Presentation.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.