Collections > 2024 Photos > DECEMBER 2024 > Nativity-Scene-made-of-Rubble-at-UCC,-Cork
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 Cork City, Cork, Ireland. 12th December, 2024. College staff members, Eugenia Bolado, Ciarán Dawson, Christine Chasaide, Elaine O'Mahony and Eimear Ní Mhaoldomhna at the unveiling of the nativity scene that has been constructed with rubble to honour the Palestinian people in the President's Garden at University College, Cork- Picture: David Creedon 
 Keywords: co.cork, college, cork, cork city, cork county, county cork, crib, gaza, ireland, nativity, nativity scene, palestinian, president's garden, republic of ireland, ucc, university, university college cork
 Cork City, Cork, Ireland. 12th December, 2024. College staff members, Eugenia Bolado, Ciarán Dawson, Christine Chasaide, Elaine O'Mahony and Eimear Ní Mhaoldomhna at the unveiling of the nativity scene that has been constructed with rubble to honour the Palestinian people in the President's Garden at University College, Cork- Picture: David Creedon 
 Keywords: co.cork, college, cork, cork city, cork county, county cork, crib, gaza, ireland, nativity, nativity scene, palestinian, president's garden, republic of ireland, ucc, university, university college cork
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
Cork City, Cork, Ireland. 12th December, 2024. College staff members, Eugenia Bolado, Ciarán Dawson, Christine Chasaide, Elaine O'Mahony and Eimear Ní Mhaoldomhna at the unveiling of the nativity scene that has been constructed with rubble to honour the Palestinian people in the President's Garden at University College, Cork- Picture: David Creedon