© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
HSE URGENT VIRTUAL CARE: The Urgent Virtual Care (UVC) is a new HSE service which allows GPs and Paramedics to consult directly by phone or by video call with a senior medical decision-maker in Emergency Medicine or Geriatric Medicine. Second back row l-r: Prof Conor Deasy, Clinical Director of Emergency and Acute Care, CUH and Fiona Foynes, Project Manager. Middle row l-r: Elmar Cronin, Community Support; Dr Isweri Pillay, Mari O'Donovan, Acting Head of Primary Care and Mary Rose Dennehy, ICT lead. Front row l-r: Ger Moloney, IT Manager CUH; Aideen O'Riordan, Unscheduled Care Manager CUH; Dr Mike O'Connor, Consultant Geriatrician and Ann-Marie Dineen, ICT CUH. Pic: Jim Coughlan