© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
DKANE 15th May 2024 REPRO FREE Recipient of the President’s Award Elaine Duggan, Deputy Features Editor The Echo and Editor of WoW with Louise O’Brien and Dara O'Shea, RHEA who sponsored the prize at the Network Ireland Cork Branch, Businesswoman of the Year Awards 2024 in the Vienna Woods Hotel. Network Ireland Cork Branch is a non-profit, voluntary organisation which supports the professional and personal development of women. It provides a forum in which women can develop professional and personal contacts to ensure that their contribution and influence is recognised as a vital force in business and in society. Of the branch network of members around the country, Cork has the largest membership base. Network Cork’s membership includes both entrepreneurs and employees, SME owners and professionals, leaders in indigenous and multinational organisations, non-profits, the arts and public sector. This dynamic branch has a strong voice and is interested in promoting diversity and equality, entrepreneurship and leadership development. The Cork branch maintains a very high level of engagement with members and a super line-up of monthly events, annual awards, barbecue and Christmas party. Topics and event speakers are selected to appeal across the diverse membership. Cork was the first branch to introduce podcasts and also offers LIFT circles during the year. Members can also avail of the national mentoring programme and attend events in any branch within the country. AIB is the official partner for Network Ireland and Network Cork is also supported by LEO Cork City. Network Ireland is a signatory of Diversity Charter Ireland. Photo Darragh Kane