© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
Textile artist Evelyn Montague working on a piece at home in Cork. Pic; Larry Cummins (PR from website- In association with Cork Craft Month, the Lavit Gallery presents ‘Into the Weave‘, a group exhibition of artwork that utilises or references the medium of textiles. Represented are artists and makers for whom textiles are the sole material, artists for whom the medium is a new departure or a diversification, and those for whom fabrics are a recurring theme or subject. Feltmakers Ireland member Leiko Uchiyama has several pieces in the show. Exhibiting artists include Laura Angell, George Bolster, Ceadogán Rugs (designs by Deirdre Breen and Shane O’Driscoll), Myra Jago, Allyson Keehan, Richard Malone, Evelyn Montague, Ailbhe Ní Bhriain, Helen O’Shea, Caroline Schofield, Margo Selby, Matt Smith, and Jennifer Trouton. The show runs until the 26th of August 2023)