© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
Construction machinery on site this week near the former St Kevin's Hospital site. The vacant building was very badly damaged by fire in July 2017. (NOTE - the works may be adjacent to the fire damaged building- it looks like an access road has been constructed behind the former water works /Lifetime Lab.) Pic: Larry Cummins. Ref News story THU, 06 JUL, 2017 - 01:00 by EOIN ENGLISH After years of warnings and calls for action, it now appears almost certain that the blaze, which has destroyed the St Kevin’s unit on the grounds of the former Our Lady’s Hospital complex on the Lee Road, was started deliberately. Lord Mayor Tony Fitzgerald, who stood alongside hundreds of onlookers on the banks of the Lee on Tuesday and watched the building burn, was among those to have, over the years, called for the site to be considered by various state bodies for housing development.