Collections > 2022 Photos > August 2022 > JCBallinadeeBus07
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 Thomas and Rachel McCarthy, on the upper deck of an upcoming bus project. XXjob 17/08/2022. Irish Examiner. Martha Brennan request/Munster page. Ballinadee Bus feature, at Ballinadee, Co. Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Thomas and Rachel McCarthy, on the upper deck of an upcoming bus project. XXjob 17/08/2022. Irish Examiner. Martha Brennan request/Munster page. Ballinadee Bus feature, at Ballinadee, Co. Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
Thomas and Rachel McCarthy, on the upper deck of an upcoming bus project. XXjob 17/08/2022. Irish Examiner. Martha Brennan request/Munster page. Ballinadee Bus feature, at Ballinadee, Co. Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.