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 14th October 2021.. West Cork Garda awards.... John Smyth, Clondrohid winner of a community safety award at the West Cork Garda Youth 2020 awards, with Chief supt. Con Cadogan inconjuction with Supervalu and The Irish Examiner media partners at the Celtic Ross hotel, in Rosscarbery. Picture: Eddie O'Hare
 14th October 2021.. West Cork Garda awards.... John Smyth, Clondrohid winner of a community safety award at the West Cork Garda Youth 2020 awards, with Chief supt. Con Cadogan inconjuction with Supervalu and The Irish Examiner media partners at the Celtic Ross hotel, in Rosscarbery. Picture: Eddie O'Hare
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
14th October 2021.. West Cork Garda awards.... John Smyth, Clondrohid winner of a community safety award at the West Cork Garda Youth 2020 awards, with Chief supt. Con Cadogan inconjuction with Supervalu and The Irish Examiner media partners at the Celtic Ross hotel, in Rosscarbery. Picture: Eddie O'Hare