Collections > 2021 Photos > September 2021 > DKE110921concert011
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 Karolina Zygmunt, Passage West, Romana Mentel, Cork city and Gosia Ostapiuk, Montenotte, enjoying the Swing by the Lee concert organised by Starlight Entertainment, at Fota House and Gardens, Carrigtwohill, Co Cork. Picture: David Keane. EEjob Echo News/Socials 11.09.2021
 Karolina Zygmunt, Passage West, Romana Mentel, Cork city and Gosia Ostapiuk, Montenotte, enjoying the Swing by the Lee concert organised by Starlight Entertainment, at Fota House and Gardens, Carrigtwohill, Co Cork. Picture: David Keane. EEjob Echo News/Socials 11.09.2021
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
Karolina Zygmunt, Passage West, Romana Mentel, Cork city and Gosia Ostapiuk, Montenotte, enjoying the Swing by the Lee concert organised by Starlight Entertainment, at Fota House and Gardens, Carrigtwohill, Co Cork. Picture: David Keane. EEjob Echo News/Socials 11.09.2021