Collections > 2021 Photos > August 2021 > LC-kiskeam-PO-05
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 Mary and John Murphy and family outside the post office. Pic: Larry Cummins. At Kiskeam Post Office John P. Murphy is retiring after 61 years as postmaster in the North Cork town. Kiskeam, Duhallow, Co Cork. Sean O'Riordan request for Examiner News.
 Mary and John Murphy and family outside the post office. Pic: Larry Cummins. At Kiskeam Post Office John P. Murphy is retiring after 61 years as postmaster in the North Cork town. Kiskeam, Duhallow, Co Cork. Sean O'Riordan request for Examiner News.
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
Mary and John Murphy and family outside the post office. Pic: Larry Cummins. At Kiskeam Post Office John P. Murphy is retiring after 61 years as postmaster in the North Cork town. Kiskeam, Duhallow, Co Cork. Sean O'Riordan request for Examiner News.