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 THE ECHO/IE LIVE NEWS 01/03/2021. Pupil Con Creedon with a book in the White M class at St. Paul's School, a special school at Montenotte, Cork, for children with moderate, severe or profound intellectual disabilities who have returned to school. Picture Denis Minihane.
 THE ECHO/IE LIVE NEWS 01/03/2021. Pupil Con Creedon with a book in the White M class at St. Paul's School, a special school at Montenotte, Cork, for children with moderate, severe or profound intellectual disabilities who have returned to school. Picture Denis Minihane.
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
THE ECHO/IE LIVE NEWS 01/03/2021. Pupil Con Creedon with a book in the White M class at St. Paul's School, a special school at Montenotte, Cork, for children with moderate, severe or profound intellectual disabilities who have returned to school. Picture Denis Minihane.