Collections > 2021 Photos > March 2021 > JCReturningtoSchool16
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 Twins, Freddie and Elsa, Junior Infants, in the yard.
EEXXjob 01/03/2021.
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Returning to school after Covid 19 lockdown, at Ballintemple National School, Crab Lane, Ballintemple, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Twins, Freddie and Elsa, Junior Infants, in the yard.
EEXXjob 01/03/2021.
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Returning to school after Covid 19 lockdown, at Ballintemple National School, Crab Lane, Ballintemple, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
Twins, Freddie and Elsa, Junior Infants, in the yard.
EEXXjob 01/03/2021.
Echo News/Irish Examiner.
Returning to school after Covid 19 lockdown, at Ballintemple National School, Crab Lane, Ballintemple, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.