© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
Official picket by members of Mandate Trade Union at the goods entrance to Debenhams, Mahon Point, Co. Cork. 17/09/2020. Day 161 of the official picket of Debenhams stores by former workers. Mandate Union strike action. Former Debenhams workers continue their picket of stores during the Covid-19 coronavirus global pandemic. The Debenhams dispute is now set to become the longest running industrial dispute in Irish history. Former staff and supporters marked Day 161 with a lunch at the goods gate. O'Brien's Irish Sandwich Bar, Mahon Point kindly donated sandwiches for the 'luncheon' as they marked the historic day. Former staff members Jo Finn, Natasha Crowley and Theresa Brennan sit and have a 'cuppa' and a cake at the goods gate. "No more tea and sympathy" Ref KPMG Pic; Larry Cummins.