Collections > 2020 Photos > August 2020 > JCReturningtoSchoolJF09
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 Samantha and James Fitzgerald. XXjob 14/08/2020. Irish Examiner. Children returning to school. Samantha and James Fitzgerald, at their home in Ballyvolane, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Samantha and James Fitzgerald. XXjob 14/08/2020. Irish Examiner. Children returning to school. Samantha and James Fitzgerald, at their home in Ballyvolane, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
Samantha and James Fitzgerald. XXjob 14/08/2020. Irish Examiner. Children returning to school. Samantha and James Fitzgerald, at their home in Ballyvolane, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan.