© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
On Wednesday, June 10, the civic award ceremonies will be broadcast separately at 3.30pm on the same channel.
On Thursday 11th June, a special tribute to the city’s community and voluntary groups – who have been the cornerstone of the city’s Community Call - will air on the channel at 7.30pm. Finally, this year the Lord Mayor, Cllr John Sheehan will also be recognising two youth advocates in a fourth 3.30pm recording this Friday. Ref Rory Noonan The Echo. Pic; Larry Cummins. Ciaran Lynch, Cork ETB, Phil Goodman, and Denis Barry, College Corinthians enjoying socially-distant tea and cakes as the efforts of community groups were marked this week by Cork City Council. <<REF ARCHIVE PIX- Phil Goodman of Douglas Young at Heart was still running their Food Programme while cocooned at home in Douglas. Food items were stored in rooms all over her home in Douglas. Ref Rory Noonan story. Pic; Larry Cummins. Douglas is fighting back....Members of the Gardai, HSE, Douglas Mens' Shed, Douglas GAA, Nemo Rangers GAA Club, Cork ETB and Cork City Council have come together, (while apart), to assist the Douglas Young at Heart Food Programme. Fight against the COVID-19 Coronavirus global pandemic 2020 in the local community>> |