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Grafitti on the front exterior doors of the courthouse on Washington Street, Cork.
Ref Liam Heylin copy. Criminal damage? Court house defaced. Blue paint message says "K Dalgarno Fuck Ye All" Pic; Larry Cummins. By Liam Heylin A 43-year-old man allegedly sprayed the front of the Washington Street courthouse with graffiti in blue paint and then made no application for bail when charged. The accused man was then remanded in custody for a week on the criminal damage charge. Garda Nigel Desmond testified at Cork District Court that he arrested Kristian Dalgarno, 43, of no fixed address, at 11.19 a.m. yesterday morning on Little Hanover Street, off Washington Street, Cork. Just over an hour later he was formally charged and cautioned that he did not have to make a reply but that anything he might say could be given in evidence. Garda Desmond said the defendant replied, “No comment.” The charge stated that on April 16 at the courthouse on Washington Street, Cork, the defendant spray-painted blue graffiti on the front doors and walls of the courthouse on Washington Street, intentionally causing criminal damage or being reckless as to whether damage was caused. Sergeant John Kelleher said there was an objection to bail being granted to the accused. Frank Buttimer, solicitor, said that no application for bail was being advanced yesterday. Judge Olann Kelleher remanded the accused in custody to appear at Cork District Court again on April 21. Sgt. Kelleher said time was needed for directions to be obtained from the Director of Public Prosecutions. Mr Buttimer applied for free legal aid for Dalgarno, stating, “He has no income and no address.” Judge Kelleher acceded to the free legal aid application. |