Collections > 2019 Photos > December 2019 > JCYouthreach30thAnniversary05
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Pictured are, Peter Murphy and Breda McNamara, both former Youthreach staff, during the Youthreach Education Centre Knocknaheeny as it, Takes a Trip Down Memory Lane, to celebrate the 30th anniversary, at the Youthreach Education Centre, Knocknaheeny, Cork.
Past and present students and staff of the Youthreach Education Centre in Knocknaheeny joined together this week to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the centre. The centre, which is under the auspices of Cork Education and Training Board, opened in September 1989. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
Pictured are, Peter Murphy and Breda McNamara, both former Youthreach staff, during the Youthreach Education Centre Knocknaheeny as it, Takes a Trip Down Memory Lane, to celebrate the 30th anniversary, at the Youthreach Education Centre, Knocknaheeny, Cork.
Past and present students and staff of the Youthreach Education Centre in Knocknaheeny joined together this week to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the centre. The centre, which is under the auspices of Cork Education and Training Board, opened in September 1989. 
Picture: Jim Coughlan
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
Pictured are, Peter Murphy and Breda McNamara, both former Youthreach staff, during the Youthreach Education Centre Knocknaheeny as it, Takes a Trip Down Memory Lane, to celebrate the 30th anniversary, at the Youthreach Education Centre, Knocknaheeny, Cork.
Past and present students and staff of the Youthreach Education Centre in Knocknaheeny joined together this week to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the centre. The centre, which is under the auspices of Cork Education and Training Board, opened in September 1989.
Picture: Jim Coughlan