Collections > 2019 Photos > November 2019 > DENIS-sciath-7
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 IE/THE ECHO 05/11/2019
Scott Cronin of St. Mary's on the Hill, Knocknaheeny, shooting goalwards against Blarney Street CBS in the Urban F3 final in the Allianz Sciath na Scol Chorcaí Festival of Football Finals at Páirc Uí Rinn.
Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE/THE ECHO 05/11/2019
Scott Cronin of St. Mary's on the Hill, Knocknaheeny, shooting goalwards against Blarney Street CBS in the Urban F3 final in the Allianz Sciath na Scol Chorcaí Festival of Football Finals at Páirc Uí Rinn.
Picture Denis Minihane.
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
IE/THE ECHO 05/11/2019
Scott Cronin of St. Mary's on the Hill, Knocknaheeny, shooting goalwards against Blarney Street CBS in the Urban F3 final in the Allianz Sciath na Scol Chorcaí Festival of Football Finals at Páirc Uí Rinn.
Picture Denis Minihane.