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 The Lord Mayor’s driver Finbar Archer taking a picture of Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Sheehan and the Lady Mayoress Ademere Sheehan with school principal Teresa O’Sullivan at Scoil Aiséirí Chríost, Farranree, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
 The Lord Mayor’s driver Finbar Archer taking a picture of Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Sheehan and the Lady Mayoress Ademere Sheehan with school principal Teresa O’Sullivan at Scoil Aiséirí Chríost, Farranree, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
The Lord Mayor’s driver Finbar Archer taking a picture of Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Sheehan and the Lady Mayoress Ademere Sheehan with school principal Teresa O’Sullivan at Scoil Aiséirí Chríost, Farranree, Cork. Picture Dan Linehan