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 The Echo FEATURES FOR JOHN DOLAN 16/04/2019 
Lily Carey Murphy as Willie Wonka (left) with Sophia Herlihy as Charlie (centre) and Faye Herlihy as Grandpa Joe during a rehearsal for the production of 'Charlie', an adaptation of Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory produced and directed by Shirley McCarthy, which will take place in the Firkin Crane Theatre, Cork, on April 17th & 18th.

Picture Denis Minihane.
 The Echo FEATURES FOR JOHN DOLAN 16/04/2019 
Lily Carey Murphy as Willie Wonka (left) with Sophia Herlihy as Charlie (centre) and Faye Herlihy as Grandpa Joe during a rehearsal for the production of 'Charlie', an adaptation of Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory produced and directed by Shirley McCarthy, which will take place in the Firkin Crane Theatre, Cork, on April 17th & 18th.

Picture Denis Minihane.
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
Lily Carey Murphy as Willie Wonka (left) with Sophia Herlihy as Charlie (centre) and Faye Herlihy as Grandpa Joe during a rehearsal for the production of 'Charlie', an adaptation of Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory produced and directed by Shirley McCarthy, which will take place in the Firkin Crane Theatre, Cork, on April 17th & 18th.

Picture Denis Minihane.