Collections > 2019 Photos > March 2019 > DENIS-day-2
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 IE LIVE NEWS 21/03/2019 
Third class pupil Lucy O'Leary at Cloghroe N.S., Co. Cork, where pupils and staff wore odd socks as they celebrated World Down Syndrome Day.

Picture Denis Minihane.
 IE LIVE NEWS 21/03/2019 
Third class pupil Lucy O'Leary at Cloghroe N.S., Co. Cork, where pupils and staff wore odd socks as they celebrated World Down Syndrome Day.

Picture Denis Minihane.
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
IE LIVE NEWS 21/03/2019
Third class pupil Lucy O'Leary at Cloghroe N.S., Co. Cork, where pupils and staff wore odd socks as they celebrated World Down Syndrome Day.

Picture Denis Minihane.