Collections > 2019 Photos > March 2019 > SHIVS-AND-SHANKS-LAUNCH-GER-MANLEY
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 Ger Manley, chief officer of Cork prison, speaking at the launch of the Shivs and Shanks exhibition in Spike Island.
Picture: David Keane.

 Keywords: 'Shivs & shanks' on display at Ireland's Alcatraz
 Ger Manley, chief officer of Cork prison, speaking at the launch of the Shivs and Shanks exhibition in Spike Island.
Picture: David Keane.

 Keywords: 'Shivs & shanks' on display at Ireland's Alcatraz
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
Ger Manley, chief officer of Cork prison, speaking at the launch of the Shivs and Shanks exhibition in Spike Island.
Picture: David Keane.
