Collections > 2018 Photos > November 2018 > JCStMarysOntheHillASD02
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 EEjob 19/11/201
Echo News.
Darragh Bermingham request.
Pictured ahead of their fundraiser, Songs for the Senses, a beautiful night of music, on Thursday 29th November, at the Rochestown Park Hotel, are Jennifer Morgan, SNA and Joshua Cummins, in the St. Mary's On the Hill Primary School Tìr Na nÒg ASD Classroom, St. Mary's On the Hill Primary School, Knocknaheeny, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 19/11/201
Echo News.
Darragh Bermingham request.
Pictured ahead of their fundraiser, Songs for the Senses, a beautiful night of music, on Thursday 29th November, at the Rochestown Park Hotel, are Jennifer Morgan, SNA and Joshua Cummins, in the St. Mary's On the Hill Primary School Tìr Na nÒg ASD Classroom, St. Mary's On the Hill Primary School, Knocknaheeny, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
EEjob 19/11/201
Echo News.
Darragh Bermingham request.
Pictured ahead of their fundraiser, Songs for the Senses, a beautiful night of music, on Thursday 29th November, at the Rochestown Park Hotel, are Jennifer Morgan, SNA and Joshua Cummins, in the St. Mary's On the Hill Primary School Tìr Na nÒg ASD Classroom, St. Mary's On the Hill Primary School, Knocknaheeny, Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.