Collections > 2018 Photos > June 2018 > HC-FG-Cork-North-Central-selction-candidates-2
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 EE 18/06/2018 NEWS - John Kelleher who was seconded by his daughter Aleese Connick for the Fine Gale Cork North Central Selection Convention which was held in the Commons Inn recently. Picture: Howard Crowdy
 EE 18/06/2018 NEWS - John Kelleher who was seconded by his daughter Aleese Connick for the Fine Gale Cork North Central Selection Convention which was held in the Commons Inn recently. Picture: Howard Crowdy
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
EE 18/06/2018 NEWS - John Kelleher who was seconded by his daughter Aleese Connick for the Fine Gale Cork North Central Selection Convention which was held in the Commons Inn recently. Picture: Howard Crowdy