© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
EEXX news 07/12/2017. Pic; Larry Cummins.
TY students Patrycja Zbikowska, Karla Doyle, Ali O'Donovan and Amy O'Neill relax after judging of their projects. Tomorrow’s innovators showcase their impressive scientific projects at SciFest@CCS . Carrigaline Community School students exhibited over 80 innovative science projects at SciFest@School 2017. Over 170 students from Transition Year exhibited their projects in Carrigaline Community School’s SciFest@School science fair. Projects on display included “Robotics” and “Is the Mandela Effect real?” When: Thursday 7th December 2017 (Projects on display from 9.30am; prize-giving at 2.40pm) Contact: Tracey Kennedy (Deputy Principal) tkennedy@carrigcs.ie Notes to editor: SciFest is a series of one day science fairs, funded primarily by Science Foundation Ireland’s (SFI) Discover programme, Intel and Boston Scientific. It is also supported by a number of other companies and organisations. SciFest@School is where a second-level school hosts their own in-house SciFest science fair. SciFest@School was introduced in 2011 and there has been strong demand from schools to participate - 57 schools participated in 2015/2016. SciFest@School is the first strand of the SciFest programme. Second-level students can also participate in SciFest@College in their local Institute of Technology or in DCU. Winners from these fairs go on to compete in a national final each November for the chance to represent Ireland at science fairs in the USA and the Netherlands. Tracey Kennedy, Deputy Principal, Carrigaline Community School Tel: 021 4372300 (Ext. 24) |