© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
EEXX news 07/12/2017. Pic; Larry Cummins.
TY students Cian Garforth and Adam McLoughlin investigate the weight of schoolbags carried by students at the school and the effects for health and posture. Tomorrow’s innovators showcase their impressive scientific projects at SciFest@CCS . Carrigaline Community School students exhibited over 80 innovative science projects at SciFest@School 2017. Over 170 students from Transition Year exhibited their projects in Carrigaline Community School’s SciFest@School science fair. Projects on display included “Robotics” and “Is the Mandela Effect real?” When: Thursday 7th December 2017 (Projects on display from 9.30am; prize-giving at 2.40pm) Contact: Tracey Kennedy (Deputy Principal) tkennedy@carrigcs.ie Notes to editor: SciFest is a series of one day science fairs, funded primarily by Science Foundation Ireland’s (SFI) Discover programme, Intel and Boston Scientific. It is also supported by a number of other companies and organisations. SciFest@School is where a second-level school hosts their own in-house SciFest science fair. SciFest@School was introduced in 2011 and there has been strong demand from schools to participate - 57 schools participated in 2015/2016. SciFest@School is the first strand of the SciFest programme. Second-level students can also participate in SciFest@College in their local Institute of Technology or in DCU. Winners from these fairs go on to compete in a national final each November for the chance to represent Ireland at science fairs in the USA and the Netherlands. Tracey Kennedy, Deputy Principal, Carrigaline Community School Tel: 021 4372300 (Ext. 24) |