Collections > 2017 Photos > October 2017 > JCCiaraMcDonnellNoServices12
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 Ciara McDonnell, with a full wash basket.
XXjob 19/10/2017 
Irish Examiner.
Esther McCarthy request. 
Ciara McDonnell, living without services after storm Ophelia, at her home on the Old Head, Kinsale, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 Ciara McDonnell, with a full wash basket.
XXjob 19/10/2017 
Irish Examiner.
Esther McCarthy request. 
Ciara McDonnell, living without services after storm Ophelia, at her home on the Old Head, Kinsale, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
Ciara McDonnell, with a full wash basket.
XXjob 19/10/2017
Irish Examiner.
Esther McCarthy request.
Ciara McDonnell, living without services after storm Ophelia, at her home on the Old Head, Kinsale, Co. Cork.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.