Collections > 2017 Photos > September 2017 > LC-mcswiney-visit-10
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 EEXX news 20/09/2017.
At Terence McSwiney Community College, Knocknaheeny, Cork. Visit of UNESCO delegates to the college on 'A Learning Trail'.
Visiting delegate Sang Wook Kwak who is mayor of Osan City Hall, South Korea with Lord Mayor Cllr Tony Fitzgerald and Lady Layoress Georgina Fitzgerald.
Niall Murray request.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EEXX news 20/09/2017.
At Terence McSwiney Community College, Knocknaheeny, Cork. Visit of UNESCO delegates to the college on 'A Learning Trail'.
Visiting delegate Sang Wook Kwak who is mayor of Osan City Hall, South Korea with Lord Mayor Cllr Tony Fitzgerald and Lady Layoress Georgina Fitzgerald.
Niall Murray request.
Pic; Larry Cummins
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
EEXX news 20/09/2017.
At Terence McSwiney Community College, Knocknaheeny, Cork. Visit of UNESCO delegates to the college on 'A Learning Trail'.
Visiting delegate Sang Wook Kwak who is mayor of Osan City Hall, South Korea with Lord Mayor Cllr Tony Fitzgerald and Lady Layoress Georgina Fitzgerald.
Niall Murray request.
Pic; Larry Cummins