Collections > 2017 Photos > September 2017 > DENIS-launch-10
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 EE LIVE NEWS (for maurice gubbins) 08/09/2017 ... 
Tina Neylon, festival co-ordinator, (left); Willie McAuliffe, co-chair of the conference organising committee, and Olive Byrne, UCC Plus. 
The launch at City Hall of a showcase of Cork Lifelong Learning Festival organised for delegates and the public for the UNESCO International Conference in Cork.
The Evening Echo is media sponsor of the festival.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
 EE LIVE NEWS (for maurice gubbins) 08/09/2017 ... 
Tina Neylon, festival co-ordinator, (left); Willie McAuliffe, co-chair of the conference organising committee, and Olive Byrne, UCC Plus. 
The launch at City Hall of a showcase of Cork Lifelong Learning Festival organised for delegates and the public for the UNESCO International Conference in Cork.
The Evening Echo is media sponsor of the festival.
Picture: Denis Minihane.
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
EE LIVE NEWS (for maurice gubbins) 08/09/2017 ...
Tina Neylon, festival co-ordinator, (left); Willie McAuliffe, co-chair of the conference organising committee, and Olive Byrne, UCC Plus.
The launch at City Hall of a showcase of Cork Lifelong Learning Festival organised for delegates and the public for the UNESCO International Conference in Cork.
The Evening Echo is media sponsor of the festival.
Picture: Denis Minihane.