Collections > 2016 Photos > JULY 2016 > JCHelenMorey08
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 EEjob 01/07/2016
Echo News.
David Linnane request.
St. Mary's on the Hill Disability Group, annual week Holiday to Galway and the retirement of Helen Morey, after 31 years volunteering, in Knocknaheeny, Cork.
Helen Morey (centre) with daughter Maria Morey and grand daughter Amanda Morey.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 01/07/2016
Echo News.
David Linnane request.
St. Mary's on the Hill Disability Group, annual week Holiday to Galway and the retirement of Helen Morey, after 31 years volunteering, in Knocknaheeny, Cork.
Helen Morey (centre) with daughter Maria Morey and grand daughter Amanda Morey.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
EEjob 01/07/2016
Echo News.
David Linnane request.
St. Mary's on the Hill Disability Group, annual week Holiday to Galway and the retirement of Helen Morey, after 31 years volunteering, in Knocknaheeny, Cork.
Helen Morey (centre) with daughter Maria Morey and grand daughter Amanda Morey.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.