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 XXjob 14/06/2016
Irish Examiner.
Christ King Leaving Certificate students after Irish Paper 2, at Christ King Girls Secondary School, Cork
Reviewing Irish Honors Paper 2, Sarah Kelly and Kim Sheehan Thomas, both from Douglas.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 XXjob 14/06/2016
Irish Examiner.
Christ King Leaving Certificate students after Irish Paper 2, at Christ King Girls Secondary School, Cork
Reviewing Irish Honors Paper 2, Sarah Kelly and Kim Sheehan Thomas, both from Douglas.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
XXjob 14/06/2016
Irish Examiner.
Christ King Leaving Certificate students after Irish Paper 2, at Christ King Girls Secondary School, Cork
Reviewing Irish Honors Paper 2, Sarah Kelly and Kim Sheehan Thomas, both from Douglas.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.