Collections > 2016 Photos > JUNE 2016 > des-SR-MONICA-MASS-5
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 Echo News Picture 06 /06/2016 Sr. Monica at a tribute Mass for her celebrating her service to the Lough Parish at the Lough Church WITH fR. gERARD gARRETT, Rev. John Paul Hegarty and Rev. Paul o' Donoughe. Picture:Des Barry.
 Echo News Picture 06 /06/2016 Sr. Monica at a tribute Mass for her celebrating her service to the Lough Parish at the Lough Church WITH fR. gERARD gARRETT, Rev. John Paul Hegarty and Rev. Paul o' Donoughe. Picture:Des Barry.
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
Echo News Picture 06 /06/2016 Sr. Monica at a tribute Mass for her celebrating her service to the Lough Parish at the Lough Church WITH fR. gERARD gARRETT, Rev. John Paul Hegarty and Rev. Paul o' Donoughe. Picture:Des Barry.