Collections > 2016 Photos > May 2016 > CMK09052016-Kent-Memorial028
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Irish Examiner 
 Tadgh Murphy of Kilbonane National School, Aherla with Barry O'Callaghan after the commemoration ceremony on the occasion of the centenary of the execution of Thomas Kent, Cork City.

Picture Clare Keogh
Irish Examiner 
 Tadgh Murphy of Kilbonane National School, Aherla with Barry O'Callaghan after the commemoration ceremony on the occasion of the centenary of the execution of Thomas Kent, Cork City.

Picture Clare Keogh
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
Irish Examiner
Tadgh Murphy of Kilbonane National School, Aherla with Barry O'Callaghan after the commemoration ceremony on the occasion of the centenary of the execution of Thomas Kent, Cork City.

Picture Clare Keogh