Collections > 2016 Photos > March > des-SPAR-SOCCER-37(1)
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 Echo Sports Picture 09 /03/2016 Officalls and Sponsors at the Spar Schools 5-a-side blitz at Turners Cross Included are.Stephen o' Mhony FAI Schools Roy o' Mhony Spar Fergie McDaid Sec. F.A.I. Schools Soccer John Kavnagh , Cork City Dave Bell F.AI. coach barry Doyle Spar and Colm o' Reilly Spar. Picture Des Barry
 Echo Sports Picture 09 /03/2016 Officalls and Sponsors at the Spar Schools 5-a-side blitz at Turners Cross Included are.Stephen o' Mhony FAI Schools Roy o' Mhony Spar Fergie McDaid Sec. F.A.I. Schools Soccer John Kavnagh , Cork City Dave Bell F.AI. coach barry Doyle Spar and Colm o' Reilly Spar. Picture Des Barry
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
Echo Sports Picture 09 /03/2016 Officalls and Sponsors at the Spar Schools 5-a-side blitz at Turners Cross Included are.Stephen o' Mhony FAI Schools Roy o' Mhony Spar Fergie McDaid Sec. F.A.I. Schools Soccer John Kavnagh , Cork City Dave Bell F.AI. coach barry Doyle Spar and Colm o' Reilly Spar. Picture Des Barry