Collections > 2016 Photos > February > JCDeanrockLaunch04
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 EEjob 09/02/2016
Echo Sport.
Cork Soccer Clubs Cork Parkinsons Support Group & Hall of Fame Online Gallery launch of the Joint Fundraising Venture in aid of the Cork Parkinsons Support Group, Cork Hibs and Glasheen Ledgend Datsy Dorgan will be honoured on the 5th of March, at the DeanRock, Togher, Cork.
Jim Hennebry, formerly Cork City and Avonadle Utd, Mick Blondie Aherne, Cork Hibs and Noel Spillane, Evening Echo.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 09/02/2016
Echo Sport.
Cork Soccer Clubs Cork Parkinsons Support Group & Hall of Fame Online Gallery launch of the Joint Fundraising Venture in aid of the Cork Parkinsons Support Group, Cork Hibs and Glasheen Ledgend Datsy Dorgan will be honoured on the 5th of March, at the DeanRock, Togher, Cork.
Jim Hennebry, formerly Cork City and Avonadle Utd, Mick Blondie Aherne, Cork Hibs and Noel Spillane, Evening Echo.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
EEjob 09/02/2016
Echo Sport.
Cork Soccer Clubs Cork Parkinsons Support Group & Hall of Fame Online Gallery launch of the Joint Fundraising Venture in aid of the Cork Parkinsons Support Group, Cork Hibs and Glasheen Ledgend Datsy Dorgan will be honoured on the 5th of March, at the DeanRock, Togher, Cork.
Jim Hennebry, formerly Cork City and Avonadle Utd, Mick Blondie Aherne, Cork Hibs and Noel Spillane, Evening Echo.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.