Collections > 2016 Photos > February > LC-knockavilla-22
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 EE kidzzone - Scoil Mhaoilíosa, Knockavilla, Upton, Innishannon. 
'Literacy liftoff' with the senior infants.; Amy O'Kane, Nicole Keane, Leila Foley, Ryan Murphy and Richard Yates get stuck into some books.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone - Scoil Mhaoilíosa, Knockavilla, Upton, Innishannon. 
'Literacy liftoff' with the senior infants.; Amy O'Kane, Nicole Keane, Leila Foley, Ryan Murphy and Richard Yates get stuck into some books.
Pic; Larry Cummins
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
EE kidzzone - Scoil Mhaoilíosa, Knockavilla, Upton, Innishannon.
'Literacy liftoff' with the senior infants.; Amy O'Kane, Nicole Keane, Leila Foley, Ryan Murphy and Richard Yates get stuck into some books.
Pic; Larry Cummins