Collections > 2016 Photos > February > LC-knockavilla-06
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 EE kidzzone - Scoil Mhaoilíosa, Knockavilla, Upton, Innishannon. Junior infant pupils set up their own transport networks during 'aistear' play in the classroom.
(rear) Colm Dullea and Daniel Kiely with (front) Conor Sheehan, Alesha Cronin, Gearoid O'Keeffe and Lauren O'Reilly.
Pic; Larry Cummins
 EE kidzzone - Scoil Mhaoilíosa, Knockavilla, Upton, Innishannon. Junior infant pupils set up their own transport networks during 'aistear' play in the classroom.
(rear) Colm Dullea and Daniel Kiely with (front) Conor Sheehan, Alesha Cronin, Gearoid O'Keeffe and Lauren O'Reilly.
Pic; Larry Cummins
© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
EE kidzzone - Scoil Mhaoilíosa, Knockavilla, Upton, Innishannon. Junior infant pupils set up their own transport networks during 'aistear' play in the classroom.
(rear) Colm Dullea and Daniel Kiely with (front) Conor Sheehan, Alesha Cronin, Gearoid O'Keeffe and Lauren O'Reilly.
Pic; Larry Cummins