© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
CMK 16112014
REPRO FREE NO FEE Science Superheroes: The Power of Science: Be a Science Superhero with this year’s Discovery Science Festival: Richie Heaslip of Carrigaline pleanrs how to make a lemon a battery. Pictured at an interactive exhibition at Cork City Hall at the launch of Cork’s Discovery Science Festival 2014, part of national Science week 2014. Family days are taking place at City Hall, Cork on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th November from 2-6pm, where entry is €3.50 per person or €10 for a family of 3. Activities for schools and groups take place from 10th to 22nd November across cork city and county. To register seewww.discoverysciencefestival.ie . To ‘Create your own Science Superhero’ for a chance to win a hamper from Easonology enter on facebook.com/Discovery.Science.Festival Picture: Clare Keogh For further information please contact: Judy Hopkins Director | Hopkins Communications Tel: 021 4272200 | Mobile: 086 3120752 | Email: judy@hopkinscommunications.ie hopkinscommunications.ie | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube OR Louise Cassidy / Emma Williams Edelman + 353 (0) 1 678 9333 louise.cassidy@edelman.com / 086 383 5727 emma.williams@edelman.com / 087 943 1297 |