© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
CMK 01082014
REPRO FREE NO FEE Killian O'Dwyer of the Lewis Clucksman Gallery pictured examining some of the works at the opening of Fieldworks, Animal Habitats in Contemporary Art at the Lewis Glucksman Gallery, UCC, Cork City. From forests and jungles to city streets and public zoos, Fieldworks invites you to take a closer look at the ways in which animals have been depicted in their habitats and how these environments affect our understanding of different species. Featuring works by Irish and international artists, Fieldworks reveals how animals forage, nest and play within a variety of locations and offers a remarkable insight into life in often hidden corners of the animal kingdom. Artists: Adam Chodzko, Petra Feriancova, Petrit Halilaj, Ho Rui An, Jochen Lempert, Flo Maak, Chris Marker, Wesley Meuris, Ciarán Murphy, Vanessa Safavi, Julia Schmid, Sonia Shiel, and Ruth van Beek. Curated by Chris Clarke in association with UCC’s School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences (BEES) Exhibition continues until 2 November 2014 Picture: Clare Keogh |