© Examiner Publications (Cork) Ltd
CMK 25042014
REPRO FREE NO FEE Port of Cork Tunes Up for Busy 2014 Cruise Season photographed Robert Aherne (trumpet) Cobh Confraternity Brass and Reed Band were in Cobh today tuning up ahead of the Port of Cork’s busy cruise season. The band plays on the quayside for every cruise vessel, which gives the passengers a fond farewell on the quayside and lasting memory of their visit. This year the Port of Cork will welcome 54 cruise ships to the port and despite the number of calls being slightly lower than 2013, the cruise vessels calling in 2014 are larger and have higher passenger volumes. The trend in the cruise sector is to replace smaller less efficient vessels with larger more efficient ones and in 2014 the Port of Cork anticipates 108,000 passengers and 30,000 crew will visit the Cork region. Picture: Clare Keogh |